Saturday, November 2, 2013


I cannot believe my last post was in July. That's so sad. But my lack of posting is a testament to how busy we've been. A lot has changed in the past several months. I will spare you the details (for now) and just give the bullet points:
  • We moved. 
  • I went part-time at work.
  • We pulled our boys out of public school and homeschool.
Ok. So that's only three changes, but they're all HUGE ones. And they all happened in a matter of weeks. I'm still reeling, unpacking, organizing, and trying to find my retainers. (If you happen to see them, will you please let me know?)

Anyway, what I really want to share today are pictures from Halloween! It was SugarPlum's first Halloween, and probably the only one ever that she didn't have a say in her costume.

This year we had a duck hunter, Batman, and Robin.

 Hubby dressed as a busy Dad who had to work late, and then return to work after the celebrating was over. (Which was a huge bummer.) I went as a homeschool mom:

easiest. costume. ever. 

I was already wearing the mismatched pajamas, teether clipped to my shirt, and messy topknot hairdo (complete with pencils).  I just added a few extra Cheerios to my hair, and I was ready to go! Am I the only homeschool mom who feels this way?

We partied with Hubby's family, trick or treated, and consumed way too much sugar.

Here are a few more images of our festivities (which pretty well lasted all month long).
We managed to get a little decorating done...

I am always in charge of the deviled eggs at family events!

SugarPlum actually kept her headband on (for a while, anyway).

We did a few great fine motor activities and decorated the mantel.

October + science = making slime.
What did you do for Halloween???

1 comment:

  1. Ah! Love the costumes! They all turned out great!

    And I haven't blogged since like June. I want to but can't ever seem to get the thoughts from my head to the computer. I'm hoping to get some posting done this week. :)


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