Monday, January 4, 2010

Come Out, Come Out Whomever You Are!

I stole this post, almost verbatim from my dear friend. Thanks!

My first stop on the blog trail this morning was Idgie's Place, where I quickly learned it was Delurking Week! How fun!!! An entire week dedicated to simply stepping out from behind the screen and saying “Hey there, I’m reading you”.

In the spirit of delurking, I hope that anyone that is reading this silly old thing will pipe up and say howdy! Feel free to tell me about yourself and how you found my blog. Or if you’re the shy sort, just a simple “Hi, I’m with you” will do.

And in the spirit of conversation, I’m opening up the Q and A for delurking week. I’m an open book, so if there is anything you’ve ever wanted to know, now is the time to ask. Just leave your question in the comments section and I will collect them and answer them in a post later this week.

I'll also be blogging about my experience with reading the Bible in 90Days.

And in the next week or two, I'll also be posting about some other things I've been reading & listening to. I am very excited about the changes He is working in me right now. Big stuff is going on.


  1. Poking my head out of my parka and fluffy hand-knit scarf long enough to say HI!

    Big things, huh? Hmmm...better stick around for that.

    Poking my head back IN my fluffy scarf, it's frackin' cold! :)

  2. I've been reading your blog and also enjoying the other christian mom blogs you've referred to. Trying to think of a Q for you, but coming up blank. Thanks for sharing your journey :)


I would love to hear from you (as long as you're not a robot.)!