Monday, August 16, 2010


Several months ago, I found a wonderful blog. Ann doesn't know me, and I only know her through her beautiful blog. I cannot explain it, but her words are incredibly calming to me. In a life full of anxiety, this comes as a blessing to me. I hope some day to be as quiet and strong in my faith as she is.

Ann started a Gratitude Community, and I've been contemplating joining for a while. A few weeks ago, I bought this:
And I started my journey in gratitude. Since then, I've tried to see at least five blessings each day. Things that make me smile; things that I find beautiful; things that give me peace; I am surrounded by God's love. The question is, can I see it?

I've been calling this my Blessing Book. It's an ongoing list of ongoing blessings. I liked the way Ann does her book. She makes it pretty with magazine pictures, pages from books, etc. I've been using magazines, pretty papers, stamps, watercolors, etc. in making cards & scrapbooking for years, so the idea of making each page special appealed to me.

Some of the pages are just pretty, and others have pictures of things that I love, things that make me smile, and even a few things that make me laugh... I guess I'm not quite so solemn with mine as she seems to be with hers.

You could say I'm counting my blessings.

I started my book by counting the three most significant blessings I have in my life. The three blessings I give thanks for with every single breath.

Here are a few other blessings I've counted:

15. The smell of just-cut grass

16. A hot, humid day that fades to a warm, comfortable evening

17. Warm cookies, baked with my boys

18. Eating three meals with my boys every day

19. Two year old tickles

20. A huge success for a seven-year-old who had almost given up

To see the multitude of blessings shared by others, visit A Holy Experience.

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